The Matilda

The Matilda

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Famous Hall!

Our feet may never be the same again!

Today we walked around the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre for nearly 5 and half hours, but it was well worth the effort. For those who haven't been, or don't know what the Centre is about, it is dedicated to those spectacular individuals who settled this country in the late 1800's and onward. What a great institution it is for all Australians, old and new. We have never seen such a brilliant collection of memorabilia, presentations and displays anywhere in Australia. And the sheer tenacity, single-mindedness and ingenuity of those early white settlers was humbling. Both men and women made enormous sacrifices to feeding the nation through drought, flood, famine, disease, isolation, desert storms and all the many, many other problem they faced.

The section dedicated to the original owners of this land was very informative too and didn't leave out the bits we don't want to acknowledge or know about. But it was also a very positive display of photographs and traditional artefacts.

If you ever get the chance, do it!

Sorry, no photos today. We were too busy looking, but are going back to tomorrow for a short visit to do some photographs outside the Centre.

By the way, it was 32 degrees today!!!

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