The Matilda

The Matilda

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Adventure So Far

Well, we've done what we set out to achieve and that was to explore the Longreach and Winton regions. The Stockman's Hall of Fame and the Qantas Museum were what we aimed to see in Longreach. The Longreach School of Distance Education was also a highlight. And Winton has 63-million-year-old dinosaur fossils just begging to be investigated. Also the Matilda Centre, the Qantilda Museum, the Musical Fence, Arno's Wall, the Opal Walk, the Royal Open Air Theatre 7 Museum, and the North Gregory Hotel were Waltzing Matilda had its first public performance. We were not disappointed with any aspects of either destinations and are thoroughly satisfied as we head east toward Rockhampton to follow the coast southward to Yamba and then home. We've been on the road almost 2 weeks and feel we can slow down a bit now that our objectives have been reached and we know how were are going for time.

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