The Matilda

The Matilda

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maroochydore - we're outta here!

We arrived at our pre-booked destination at Woombye (near Buderim) late this afternoon only to discover that the site was totally inappropriate for our van. Struggle though we did, there was no way our caravan was going to fit onto the site. So we had no choice other than to pull-the-pin and make a retreat before all the park 'busy-bodies' threw in their two-bob's worth!

Desperate phone calls for accommodation resulted in the only site left anywhere for a 100klms (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration - maybe it was 50klms!) and we made our way to the 'Maroochy Cabin Village and Caravan Park', described as being 100 metres from the river,
the site 'grassed' and the owner to assist to reverse the van if we needed it. Need it! You should see this site! We were greeted by not a skerrick of grass and huge palm trees on the perimetre of a damp, slippery, slimy patch of dirt suitable only for a camper-trailer. T.'s nerves shot through the roof and D.'s stress levels reached epic proportions just looking at it. The owner offered to get his tractor to back the van into place and after much too-ing, fro-ing, and audible cursing, the van is finally in place. So wet is the ground that the owner scrounged up a couple of planks so that we have something to step onto to avoid slipping! I think we're outta here tomorrow morning instead of staying the 4 nights as planned! Will keep you 'posted'.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting times huh? Well the less than fantastic experiences just make the great ones shine! I hope you kept your feet dry in Maroochy. And that the tractor wasn't needed to get the van OUT of that spot.
