We are at Moree participating in some wonderful heat therapy for our tired, aching bones. That aside, the social aspects of sitting in hot pools of Artesian water with about 20 strangers proved to be hilarious as the true Aussie characters came out of their vans and into the 4 x pools of 35, 36, 37 and 39 degree temps to also relieve their aching bones.
This morning we met Nola who told us she was '2 minutes away from 90-years-young'! And what a character! She bounced into the pool, complete with hairdo and make-up, rolled her eyes as she informed us that yesterday had been a tiring day because she'd had to be at the airport at 6.00am for her flight to Moree, booked into the park, did enough food shopping to last a week and then went to bed last night at 6.30 and slept soundly until 6.00am this morning. (We didn't get the chance to ask her how she got about in Moree but we assumed she wasn't driving!) Nola told us that she and her 'much younger' friend, Esme, who is only 87 years-old, apparently often travel together and have a great time wandering around the countryside. Moree is one particularly popular destination because they both love the benefits on their arthritis of the thermal pools.
Nola had us in hysterics as she sprouted on about the election result (or lack thereof), the lack of public transport, what an idiot she thought Peter Garret was because of the pink batt debacle, finally finding a good cup of coffee (yes, she drinks Campos Coffee - how good is that?) and telling us how she spends her Saturday's. Apparently her social activities every Saturday commence at 10.00am coffee with friends in Randwick, and because she is horse-racing-made, she places her bets at the TAB at 11.00am, onto 12o'clock mass at her local Catholic church and then home to follow the horses on Sky channel for the afternoon. Nola then told us that she had been betting on the horses since she was in Primary school and had done pretty well at it too. We could just imagine it!
So horse racing mad is she, Nola then told us about getting a phone call early one Saturday morning from Esme (my family know better than to ring me on Saturday mornings!!). Esme wanted to know, 'What's that stuff you put on roses to make them grow?' Put out because she'd been interrupted in her usual Saturday morning preparations, Nola's response was: Super Impose. It wasn't until Esme told her a couple of days later that when she'd gone to the garden centre, staff there said they'd never heard of Super Impose for roses. Nola then realized that she'd had horses on-the-brain, it being Saturday and all, and should have said Sudden Impact, apparently a specially formulated fertilizer for roses!
We didn't see much of Esme, she was off regaling folk in one of the other pools.
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